Wednesday, November 21, 2012

More good news

I have been trying not to update the blog with useless information.  I only want to post updates when there is some new development or progress in the project.  Obviously, there is a "set up" time for the foundation walls.  We received a phone call from our site manager this morning and he informed me that the concrete slab will be poured the framing lumber will be in early next week and the framing will begin late next week.  This was great news for us because we have been driving past the site every once and a while and for the last two weeks it has been at a "visual stand still".  On one visit the hole was dug, on the next visit the foundation walls were up with the forms off, on the next visit the gravel was poured, on the next visit the foundation was back-filled and there was a ladder inside of the walls, but no upward progress.  This tells me that Ryan Homes has taken the time to build the house on a solid foundation, but now it's time for the upward progress.  I'm not adding any pictures to this post because the site looks the same as it did in my last pictures only with the dirt filled back in around the foundation walls.  There will be plenty of pictures as the process continues...

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Hole Has Walls...

So we were out at the mall today and decided to go by the build site just so that my wife could see it in person and our hole now has walls.  The process is moving a lot faster than we thought it would.

 And so far we have an entire side if the street to our selves until they start building our neighbor's houses.
It's great to see it all coming together after two months of planning, picking, choosing, and waiting.  Now it's coming into fruition.

Friday, November 9, 2012

And we have a hole!!!

I went out to the site today and the foundation has been dug. Here's a picture from the car.
There's not a lot to see.  It's just a six (or so) foot deep hole in the shape of the basement and our makeshift driveway.  Here is a picture so the site from the street.
Our site manager told me that he would like a heads up of when I'm coming out so that he knows if he'll have time to answer any questions, but I hope he doesn't regret that when I text him every Friday to tell him that I'm coming out to take snapshots.  Everything seems like it will move pretty quickly from this point so there will be more pictures as the construction gets underway.  To date, our Ryan Homes rating is still at a 10+ out of ten!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Good news, Good news!!

OK so today we got the good news that the building permits have been issued and our foundation will be dug tomorrow.  I'll post some pictures of that when I go out to the site tomorrow evening. YEAH!!